Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

Set of Best Android Applications Edit Photos

Sometimes we are not satisfied with the results obtained photo shots. However, it certainly can not dismiss the creativity you not, with Android photo editing application, then you do not have to worry anymore. Narcissistic could go on, and you will continue to exist, with a nice photo edits and quality as well.
With Android all be possible, because now it has a lot of applications outstanding photo and can you get to download it without paying any money. Here below are some applications for photo editing purposes in Android that we recommend, happy reading:


With the free Android app PicSay, you can edit photos so that life becomes more visible. You can add text, add illustrations and editing the images too (create distortion effects). In addition, PicSay application is also very easy to use, and has a user friendly, so for those of you who are unfamiliar will be able to edit images with ease. Rating obtained by this application is 4.4 of the total users who provide a review.

A Better Camera

The second application is a photo editing application named A better camera. Android application was able to make some photo effects before taken of, for example HD panoramas, group shots, HDR, object removal, night mode, and much more. Total modes available are 11 methods of photos, many not well. You will be more cool if narcissistic combined with the features of the application is a better camera.


Well, maybe if you hear the name of the Android app Instagram, You would have been familiar; of course a lot of my friends You also are already using this application. Instagram has been a favorite since two years ago, through the iPhone, and now has moved to Android Smartphone as well, following the success achieved by the application on the iPhone. With Instagram, the resulting image can be very unique. In addition, people love to use it because in addition to quality, Instagram app is also free for you to install.


After Instagram, there's more photo editing application that is interesting and fun, which is named CameraZOOM FX. This application features quite complete or incomplete, and considered as the application is the best photo editing. Of course, the camera app from FX CameraZOOM certainly more qualified than the default camera app or Android default You. One example of its cool that you can activate the shutter, simply by tapping your hand alone, and digital zoom effects are also good.

Otaku camera

Android photo editing application that is the last we will discuss in this article is an application called Otaku camera. Yes, exactly, you can add photo frames typical Japanese country Kawai photo to your choosing. In addition, this application also supports image capture using the front and rear camera, and you can download and use for free.

There are many more Android photo editing application, if you look for it. And as the development time, we believe that you will find a lot of photo editing application that is more interesting and creative to use. Of course, because if the feature only photo editing application that's it, then its too long will get bored.

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